Every year I handle Christmas in the same way. I don't plan much. In fact, I try and ignore it until the last minute. About a week before the kids get back from university, I start to panic. So much to do, so little time! Then before you know it, the kids are back, their friends come over, there is lots of noise and people having fun and somehow everything gets done. Why do I worry? I should know by now that Christmas is a strange phenomenon. It always seem to work out.
I hope you all have the type of Christmas you want. I'm hoping for a noisy one, in the best possible way! To start things off, here's a new song, just written by my son and his friend. The holidays have begun!!
You may know, if you follow my blog, that I had much fun taking a printmaking class this fall. I thought our little class did very well and they have put our prints on display at the Varley. I have three up here. If you guessed the one with the bright pink in the middle left you would be right. I have no idea why that colour ends up in so much of my work, but it does! The Teapot and Giant Pear drypoint, I've already shown here and the green and orange lino print I'll leave until another day. Printmaking is quite addictive and I hope to do more in the new year.
[email protected]© Laurel Martin 2010